Our Biafran women and mothers are organising a mega rally in London to demand for the release of the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who was allegedly kidnapped by the terrorist government of Nigeria and kept in DSS custody in Nigeria. The terrorist government of Nigeria committed an extra ordinary rendition which is an international crime- a criminal offence. In reference to the role the Aba women riot played during the colonial period in Nigeria to demand an end to the wickedness that prevailed during the time, the mega rally in London is liked to the similar action by the women that will eventually lead to the freedom of MNK and Biafra.
Our demand is very simple; release our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu unconditionally and set a date for a referendum of Biafra restoration..
Nsima Nseobong
We have decided to make sure that Biafra will be restored in our generation. The young generation of Biafra will never sell out the struggle we must fight for our freedom. Anything standing on the way or as an impediment will be crused.

There is no form of intimidation that can stop an idea whose time has come. It is a generational occurrence. Generations to come will still stand up to fight for Biafra restoration.
The only thing that can give us joy, peace and happiness is freedom which is Biafra.
We cannot forget the sacrifice of our heroes past who gave up their life, parents, families and careers for the restoration of Biafra.
- Over 6 million of our people killed during the Biafra war and there is no justice served till date.
- The Fulanisation agenda by the Janjaweed people to take over our land.
- The proscription of IPOB as a terrorist organisation while Fulani herdsmen and boko haram are working freely.
- Only £20 was given to our people after the war while our houses and properties were stolen.
- The resources is being stolen by the Janjaweed people.
- The continuous killing of our people by the terrorist government of Nigeria.
- The raping of our mothers and daughters by Fulani herdsmen who are the foot soldiers.
- The destruction of our forests, farms and communities by Fulani herdsmen.
the dot nation
The imposter in Aso rock described a nation of over 65 million people as a dot. He used very cruel languages saying that he will teach the IPOB people in the language they will understand.
The Nigerian terrorist uniform men sent by the imposter to kill our people in Enugu, Aba, Imo, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Ebonyi is a direct command by the Janjaweed terrorist government of Nigeria.
Impersonating our youth and killing our youth in Biafra Land is a direct effort of the Janjaweed government to swipe out the whole of our community in order to take over our land.

It is either Biafra or death!
We will never be intimidated by anyone and there is no one that can stop the restoration of Biafra. We are determined, focus and resolute to make sure that our freedom is restored.
Author: Nsima Nseobong
I feel the connection between the colorful visuals and the magical vibrant world I’ve created in my writing. The pictures reflect who I am as a creative spirit.
This process has nudged me back from the ledge of self-loathing, especially where photos are concerned. Going forward in my life necessitates being seen in person, on paper, and perhaps even in some forms of media.
I knew I couldn’t take away the invasive loneliness of a stranger, especially if it’s lying dormant beneath the bark. But maybe I could distract him from it for that moment like a bird alighting on a branch, catching his photographer’s eye.
At the bottom of the mountain, my legs shaky, my face gritty with dust, I could still enjoy the beauty of the clean mountain stream pooling around me. I could laugh with my friends. Life flows. I flow. A real mountain and a metaphorical one are the same. We go up with a certain understanding of ourselves, and come back down changed.
Foam padding in the insoles leather finest quality staple flat slip-on design pointed toe off-duty shoe. Black knicker lining concealed back zip fasten swing style high waisted double layer full pattern floral. Polished finish elegant court shoe work duty stretchy slingback strap mid kitten heel this ladylike design.
See-through delicate embroidered organza blue lining luxury acetate-mix stretch pleat detailing. Leather detail shoulder contrastic colour contour stunning silhouette working peplum. Statement buttons cover-up tweaks patch pockets perennial lapel collar flap chest pockets topline stitching cropped jacket. Effortless comfortable full leather lining eye-catching unique detail to the toe low ‘cut-away’ sides clean and sleek. Polished finish elegant court shoe work duty stretchy slingback strap mid kitten heel this ladylike design.
I thanked him, and at his direction joined the members of his staff. After the ceremony I returned my machine to its quarters on the roof of the barracks of the air-scout squadron, and with an orderly from the palace to guide me I reported to the officer in charge of the palace.
I employed sometimes, a girl carrying a baby, Gregg the butcher and his little boy, and two or three loafers and golf caddies who were accustomed to hang about the railway station. There was very little talking. Few of the common people in England had anything but the vaguest astronomical ideas in those days. Most of them were staring quietly at the big table like end of the cylinder, which was still as Ogilvy and Henderson had left it.