

Urgent call for family farming System

Urgent call for family farming System

#farmily #farming #garden #agriculture The need for Nigerians to embark on the family farming system Family farming system focus on the need for each family to embrace a family farming system to grow food that will be enough for the family consumption.
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Why blackmail of IPOB by some Igbo elites, elders, politicians and business men?

Why blackmail of IPOB by some Igbo elites, elders, politicians and business men?

Why the blackmail of IPOB by some Igbo elites, elders, politicians and business men?The same history is repeating itself again in 2021. The same story of blackmailing and sabotage with some group of Igbo elites, elders, politicians and businessmen before and after 1967 during the Biafra war is repeating again.There are group of Igbo elites, elders, politicians and business men who have allowed themselves to be used again by the Janjaweed people to destroy the livelihood of biafrans same as Nnamdi Azikiwe allowed himself to used by the same people in the past to sabotage our freedom and biafra freedom.Are…
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Can we ever have leaders that the people want?

Can we ever have leaders that the people want?

What people want from their leaders Leaders that will serve the people. Leaders that will listen to the people. Leaders that will be honest and transparent. Leaders with integrity. Leaders that value their legacy-what people will always remember you for? Leaders that value the people. Leaders that respects the people. Leaders that treat everyone equally. Leaders that is interested in the happiness of his/her people. Leaders that can go all out for the people. Leaders that respects the will of the people. Leaders that will not forget the people. We need selfless leaders. We need leaders with past records of…
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