

How I got 3 scholarships for studies Part 1

How I got 3 scholarships for studies Part 1

I decided to share this story with you today because I feel, you will be inspired to never give up and you can learn something that will help you in your present situation. 5 years ago, my journey to success started yielding positive results when I received the good news from 3 big sponsors(donors) to fund my masters program abroad. It was a time of joy, celebration and decision. A time of joy and celebration because, it was good news and success for hard work. A time of decision because I had options to select between 3 good scholarship opportunities.…
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Journey to success: the early daily steps!

Journey to success: the early daily steps!

Journey to success: the early daily steps highlights the first most important phase on your journey to success. It is a common saying that do not neglect the days of little beginning. This little beginning is what I referred to as “THE EARLY DAILY STEPS” I feel that these are the most important steps that you must take first and early enough to achieve success. Success is a journey and in levels or phases as you may like but there is no journey without the initial step- the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. From my just…
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The high need for clarity, innovations and continuous improvement as a leader

The high need for clarity, innovations and continuous improvement as a leader

The high need for clarity, innovations and continuous improvement as a leader will also be relevant for new start ups, entrepreneurs and all organisations expecting excellent and sustainable results. Clarity: All things should be clear. Your aims and objectives, vision and every milestone should be very clear. The use of simple words and communication techniques should be use to pass clear instructions, strategies, policies and procedures to boost understanding among the management and other functional team. Start-ups and new businesses should invest more time in making sure that they achieve clarity in every aspect of the business or project before…
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Yes you can make it Part 2

Yes you can make it Part 2

Yes you can make it. It is a reality that you can make it. Others have made it. Yours will not be different. Yes you can make it. Do not allow your present situation to weigh you down, think about people that have made it in life, they do not have two heads! They only have one head just like you. Most of them had worse situations but they still come out successfully. Your situation may look difficult to you but comparing it to others, your own situation may be better than others. There is a huge opportunity for you…
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Yes you can make it Part 1

Yes you can make it Part 1

Yes you can make it. There is a greater power inside of you designed to make you a success. Make use of this power inside of you. You can do great things today. I challenge you to stand up now and take your position in this world. Please take this very serious that you are the only person that can make this happen. Yes you can make it as soon as you understand that you are in charge of your life. Your success and future is in your hands. If you fail to take conscious decision to become successful then…
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When you create value, you become indispensable!

When you create value, you become indispensable!

Introducing to you our live radio program every Sunday 12 noon UK time. We will be discussing how to create value with your current skills, education and work experience in order to break out from 9-5 system. I have seen many graduates with lots of skills, certifications, qualifications, degrees and work experience yet depending on employers to employ them first before they can use their skills and certifications. And in most cases, they are rejected by employers because they have no work experience and because they are not working, no income for them leading to more frustrations and graduates from…
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Urgent call for family farming System

Urgent call for family farming System

#farmily #farming #garden #agriculture The need for Nigerians to embark on the family farming system Family farming system focus on the need for each family to embrace a family farming system to grow food that will be enough for the family consumption.
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How I got three scholarships same time to study

How I got three scholarships same time to study

Please download our scholarship available app on google play store at to receive daily updates on scholarships and visit our websites at and youtube channel at It will not be completely wrong to say that studying at a top university is often an expensive choice to make, and if you’re struggling to scrape together the money, not only for fees but for accommodation and other living costs, university expenses can seem very steep and unaffordable. If this is you, don't worry. This guide will give you the starting point you need for a successful scholarship application. Almost…
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Yes you can make it Part 3

Yes you can make it Part 3

You may have failed in the past. You may have concluded that you cannot make it in life. We have come to give you something special- reality. Yes you can make it. It does not matter what your story may be. The truth is that as long as you are in good health, you can make it. For example, he was born without proper legs or hands or eyes or ears but some of them are pastors, engineers, doctors, nurses etc, they did not allow their present situation to stop their shine or destiny. Join the newsletter to get more…
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Can we ever have leaders that the people want?

Can we ever have leaders that the people want?

What people want from their leaders Leaders that will serve the people. Leaders that will listen to the people. Leaders that will be honest and transparent. Leaders with integrity. Leaders that value their legacy-what people will always remember you for? Leaders that value the people. Leaders that respects the people. Leaders that treat everyone equally. Leaders that is interested in the happiness of his/her people. Leaders that can go all out for the people. Leaders that respects the will of the people. Leaders that will not forget the people. We need selfless leaders. We need leaders with past records of…
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The ability is in you

The ability is in you

Yes the ability is in you. Yes you can make it. Remember you have the power. Remember you have the abilities. You have the power and the abilities to become successful in life. Everything that you have ever needed in life, you have it already inside of you. So the abilities is inside of you. This is one of the reasons I always say; yes you can make it. Yes you can make it. You need to know this. It should be a conscious knowledge that you have everyday. Every day keep telling yourself yes you can make it because…
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