Why the blackmail of IPOB by some Igbo elites, elders, politicians and business men?The same history is repeating itself again in 2021. The same story of blackmailing and sabotage with some group of Igbo elites, elders, politicians and businessmen before and after 1967 during the Biafra war is repeating again.There are group of Igbo elites, elders, politicians and business men who have allowed themselves to be used again by the Janjaweed people to destroy the livelihood of biafrans same as Nnamdi Azikiwe allowed himself to used by the same people in the past to sabotage our freedom and biafra freedom.Are these Igbo elities, elders, politicians and business men the direct children or generations of Nnamdi Azikiwe? Is the same blood of sabotage flowing in them? Why will they allow themselves to be used again in this new generation of technology?
There is a proof that these group of men are using the Biafra freedom to bargain for their own personal interest, political appointments and contracts. They do not care about the welfare of the people.There are also evidence where the Nigerian army/solders, policemen and DSS have been seen destroying people properties, homes and even killing people in the process; 1. The destruction of Chief sunday Igboho-a yoruba activist was carried out by the Nigerian army and DSS which killed not less than 2 persons. 2. The destruction of the lawyer and legal counsel of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu home and properties that killed the PA, drivers and others by same DSS and Nigerian army.3. The destruction of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (MNK) home town in Umouhia by same DSS and Nigerian army that killed not less than 28 people and dogs. This event led to the dead of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu parents(father and mother). MNK escaped in the process in 2017 and was later kidnapped by the Nigeria network of kidnappers allegedly in Kenya and kept in DSS custody without any crime or charges to court.
DSS has serial history of disobeying court orders and they never obeyed their own law. There are growing evidence that DSS and nigerian government/army is responsible for the kidnapping of Biafrans, killing of prominent people in Anambra and destruction of homes and properties of their critics and political enemies.The on coming election in Anambra has revealed the plans of the Janjaweed people to destroy the lives and properties of innocent Biafrans in a bid for their fulanisation agenda and to take over the land.The question is why is the Igbo elites, elders, politicians and business men working for the Janjaweed government? There is no way the Janjaweed people can have the brain to destroy properties and blackmail innocent people if they are not getting help from these group of people.IPOB is never known to be violent.
IPOB is a movement for self determination which is a right and guaranteed by the international law and United Nations.There is also a huge question why the UN and other international organisations/countries have not made any statement or show concerns of the genocide that is going on in Biafra land Nigeria.There is also little coverage by the international media and even the local media cannot report the real situation as they have been paid or threaten never to expose the situation.
Is history repeating itself where the whole world allowed over 5 million Biafrans to be killed in cold blood and starvation during the Biafra war and Nigeria?A lot of questions to be ask but yet no answer. The young generations of Biafrans have decided to dig deep with all they can to protect and defend their land.Will you help them or you will join others to abuse or blackmail them?
Author: Nsima Nseobong